About Us

Who we are

We are an advertising platform that works with different kinds of traffic. Despite the fact that the platform started its work in 2018, we made our presence felt on the AdTech market and built our clients’ and partners' trust within the first half of the year. This means that we are doing everything right! Our goal is to increase brand awareness of our clients, reduce their advertising costs and attract a new audience.


Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the advertising experience for the online users and advertisers and to create new data science technologies that would help understand the complexity of human behavior on the Internet

What do we do for this?

Currently, there are three types of traffic available on the platform: push, in-page push and pop

Every day we try to improve our self service platform, increase traffic volumes, and find a professional approach to each of advertising campaigns

But this is far from the limit :)


What does that mean in real numbers?

3 Billion

Impressions per day


Clicks daily


Active ad campaigns every day


Happy clients every day