Hey-hey, Happy Friday!
Our team has prepared some great updates on the platform!For Advertisers:

  • We added the "disable \ enable" button for creatives, in the campaign editing form, there are also buttons to disable creatives
  • Now you can use API for tracking you results on the platform,  the full instruction is here 
  • Now you can use Push Subscription Lifespan Targeting ( Latest 7 Days Subscribers or Those who subscribed last 7-30 Days or All Subscribers)

Push Subscription Lifespan Targeting

For Publishers:

  • Added support and tickets, now communication with us is more convenient
  • Added the latest news for publishers in the header, so you will be up to date with all the latest updates
  • Now you can boost your revenue using Aggressive Monetization Mode

Of course we continue to work on improving the platform and will be happy to hear your suggestions on support@adoperator.com