The rise of AI networks in CPA marketing is unstoppable. Advertisers can now save time by letting AI handle the creation of images for creatives and the text for push notifications. With the right approach, AI programs can take over a vast array of tasks.

We explored the crucial nuances of AI generation for push notifications ad format: titles and descriptions.

Discover what makes a title compelling, which neural networks are best suited for the job, and see a real-world example of creative creation using ChatGPT. 

Learn how you can generate the main text for future ad campaigns in just 5 minutes. 🕒

Neural Networks for Titles and Descriptions creation.

AI Platforms that generate texts use a text-to-text algorithm. Once you submit a request, the artificial intelligence processes it internally, considers all requirements, and produces a unique response in text form.

Many Artificial Intelligence platforms are capable of text generation, but only a few consistently deliver high-quality results. Here are some of the most popular services used by advertisers: A platform for marketers, bloggers, and copywriters to generate product descriptions, article structures, posts, and ad texts. It analyzes the input request and generates text according to specified parameters. A 7-day free trial is available, followed by several paid subscription options.

Writesonic: Offers a wide range of features for automatic content creation, including articles, blog posts, ad texts, product descriptions, and idea generation based on given parameters. A 7-day free trial is available, with various paid plans thereafter. Designed for creating advertising content, including ads, posts, short notifications, and sections of full articles. 

It optimizes existing materials while preserving keywords and meaning. Analyzes target audiences to create unique advertising strategies and regularly improves conversion rates. 

A one-week free trial is available for testing.

ChatGPT: Developed by OpenAI, it's a leading neural network and the most popular chatbot globally. It can engage in dialogue, create messages, descriptions, structures, and technical tasks for other neural networks. Supports multiple languages and can be used for various text-related tasks, from generating unique content to translating and paraphrasing texts. 

Claude Sonnet 3: 

The latest advanced artificial intelligence models from Anthropic (named Claude 3 Opus, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Haiku) represent the cutting-edge in this field. For most tasks and applications, the Sonnet model outperforms Anthropic's previous Claude 2 and 2.1 models in terms of response speed and overall capability level. Additionally, the Sonnet model offers enhanced control and steering, producing more reliable, higher-quality outputs aligning better with the intended goals.

We conducted a small test to compare how different AI services handle the same task of creating text ads for push notifications.

1. Copy.AI 


As a result, we received a rather simple and trivial text, which formally meets the task.

2. Anyword. We chose the Facebook Ads section as it was closest to the push ads concept. 


The platform immediately generated several options, but we were unable to make any edits because AI denied to create shorter descriptions and displayed error “Couldn’t generate variations” 

3. Claude Sonnet 3 tried to be creative.


4. Chat GPT-4, the paid version, was closest to the ads widely used by our partners and media buyers, but it wasn't very variative.


Finally, we asked Mike from our media buying team to do the same. 😁


Look what we got from real human mind)


In the opinion of our media buying team, AI still does not cover all aspects of affiliate marketing regarding content creation, but it is a strong step ahead anyway to test various ideas and increase CTR of your push ads.

You can try various requests with any of the AI platforms mentioned above and see for yourself if they will work for you or not. 

Adoperator Ad Network is the simplest and most effective way to launch push notification advertising campaigns. 

Just register as Advertiser to get started!