Macros play a vital role in dynamically tailoring ads to specific users and tracking campaign performance. AdOperator provides a variety of macros that can be added to URLs or creative text to personalize content and enhance reporting accuracy. Here’s an overview of the most commonly used macros:

Tracking and Targeting Macros for URLs

{subid} – Publisher feed subid, useful for tracking specific publisher performance.

{campaign} – Campaign ID, allowing you to identify the campaign from which traffic originated.

{bid} – Click price, providing insight into cost per click for detailed spend analysis.

{os} – User’s operating system, helpful for segmenting traffic by device type.

{browser} – Browser type, allowing better understanding of user preferences.

{country} – Two-letter country code for geolocation targeting.

{conversion} – Conversion tracking, essential for monitoring successful actions taken by users.

Content Macros for Creative Text and Descriptions

In addition to URL macros, AdOperator offers macros for customizing text in ads, adding a personal touch based on user location or date:

{date} – Displays the current date in ISO format (e.g., '2020-20-01').

{month} – Displays the month name (e.g., 'December').

{day_of_month} – Shows the numeric day of the month (e.g., '20').

{day_of_week} – Displays the name of the day (e.g., 'Monday').

{country_name} – Shows the full country name (e.g., 'United States').

{city} / {City} – Shows the city name in lowercase ('mumbai') or title-case ('Mumbai').