This time, our team is sharing the results of running MobPlus mobile subscription (mVAS) offer on popunder format.

What are mobile subscriptions or mVAS (Mobile Value Added Services)?

These are CPA offers in affiliate marketing that promote mobile-based services that add value to a customer’s experience. These services typically include features such as mobile content, messaging services, entertainment services, mobile payment systems, and more.

Such offers are characterized by a super short conversion flow - often, it can even be a one-click subscription or the more common - PIN submit, where the user confirms their mobile phone number.

The market for such products is one of the oldest, dating back to the mid-90s. Surprisingly, it has been growing for 30 years and continues to expand.


Mobile subscriptions market reached $8.6b

The key to working with these offers is selecting a reliable partner, as offers often burn out, get disabled, or simply haven’t been properly set up for tracking on the aggregator's or mobile provider's side.

We were pleasantly surprised by the Mobplus affiliate program and the level of support we received, so we decided to share this information with our partners.


We have been working with the Mobplus affiliate program for several months and are very satisfied with the partnership.

For this case, we chose three CPA offers for Senegal and Nigeria since we had a relatively large volume of available traffic for this geo in early August. To add our postback link for conversion tracking, we needed to contact the Mobplus manager, and fortunately, this only took a few minutes.

For the testing manager recommended us to try offer for Senegal and "Orange" Mobile Provider with 2click conversion flow: 


First we checked our mobile operators lists and found that Orange SN called “Sonatel” in our carriers database because Orange in Senegal operated by Sonatel Mobile Provider.


* Recommendation (!). In case if you are going to target some mobile carrier provider and cant find it in targetings of some ad network it may be under another name and if you are not sure just ask support or your manager to help with. 

We decided to test a landing page in English, a landing page in French (as French is spoken in Senegal), and a direct link to the offer without a landing page. We launched the campaign with a low CPC across all sources.

We immediately noticed that the landing page in French had a much higher conversion rate (CR) than the English one, but the best results were with the direct link, so we kept only that.


Landing Pages Testing through Binom Tracker

We also observed that traffic from some sources wasn't being counted in the affiliate program, so within the first three hours, we added those sources to the blacklist.


The next day, we disabled poorly converting sources again and increased the campaign rate.

We did the same the following day, and two days later, we doubled the rate again to capture traffic we couldn't purchase due to the low bid (Senegal is a highly sought-after geo in the gambling niche).


When working with mVAS, high CPMs are normal; on regular popunder traffic, CPMs can often reach $100 or $150.

As a result, we managed to achieve a stable +100% ROI four days after launch.


On the 12th, the offer's limits were reached, and we requested feedback on the quality. By Friday the 16th, the affiliate program manager increased our limits and budget and we continued.

** For mediabuying in Adoperator, we used our Premium account - premium partners have an  access to the exclusive traffic sources.

In summary, our traffic worked very well and indicative in this case. By focusing on the CPA link that had the great  conversion rate and quickly dealing with traffic sources that didn't perform, we achieved a strong ROI increase within only four days.

Our partnership with Mobplus has been very successful, and their dedicated support has helped us to scale our efforts. As we keep improving our strategies and using premium accounts for traffic, we expect even more success in this market.

Do not miss a chance to earn with Mobplus CPA Network - Register Now, write "Adoperator" to Mobplus Team and get $20 when run $200!